Driverless vehicles promise to make us safer on the road
Driverless vehicles are programmed to follow the laws of the road, which means they won’t be speeding. They will also be programmed to drive defensively, so you can expect that autonomous cars will accelerate and brake more slowly than human drivers. Finally, driverless vehicles will not be impaired by alcohol or drugs. All of this means that your ride in a driverless vehicle is likely to be safer than taking a walk or riding a bike!
Driverless vehicles can save you money on your commute
Most people are aware of the obvious advantages of driverless vehicles—namely that the technology is safer than a human being behind the wheel. But did you know that going driverless could save you money?
Being in a driverless vehicle means you don’t have to pay for any of these things:
- The cost of vehicle ownership. This includes parking your car, maintenance and repairs, fuel and insurance.
- The cost of time spent driving. Your average commuter spends about 240 hours per year behind the wheel.
- The cost of stress. Being stuck in traffic is just no fun at all, and it turns out that stress can be expensive for your health (not to mention the value lost by not being able to do other things).
- The cost of accidents. Accidents are expensive when they happen, but they also cause knock-on effects like congestion and hold-ups in shipping schedules (which raise costs elsewhere).
Driverless vehicles give you more time in the day to be productive
Driverless vehicles have a feature that allows the car to take over the driving duties when you need it to. So, if you’re tired after a long day at work, or just want to spend some time on your phone instead of focusing on the road, simply tell your vehicle to “take over” and it will put itself in driverless mode until you tell it otherwise. While your vehicle is in driverless mode, you have complete control over where it goes. You can direct it to turn left or right without having to manually steer yourself. You can also adjust its speed and how quickly it accelerates using voice commands.
There’s no self-driving Uber yet, but we’ll get there.
While the technology isn’t quite ready yet, the first phase of autonomous vehicles will appear on our roads in just a few years. The first self-driving vehicles to be released will be big rigs, with level four autonomy. That means that you can sleep or goof off on Facebook for the whole trip, but you still need to take control in case something goes wrong.
The next phase of this exciting new transportation revolution will see level five self-driving taxis appearing on roads around the world. They’ll be able to pick you up at home and drop you off at work without any input from a human driver. These should be available by 2020 if everything goes according to plan—and if we’re very lucky, there might even be an option for a driverless Uber in some parts of the world!
The final stage will see fully autonomous cars being sold directly to consumers as standard models. You won’t have to pay extra, and every car will have self-driving capabilities as standard equipment—just like every vehicle today comes with seatbelts and airbags as standard features (though hopefully we’ll never need them).
How long until these cars are available? Nobody knows for sure yet; it’s difficult to predict when all the bugs and glitches can be worked out of such complex systems! But don’t worry: a Tesla Model 3 is about $35K; so for less than half that price, you can buy one of today’s most advanced electric cars—the Chevy Bolt EV—that has semi-autonomous capabilities that are good enough to prevent accidents nine out of ten times (which is far better than human drivers).
The cars need some work before we can use them for everyday driving.
The technology is not ready for prime time.
Think about the best drivers you know. Chances are, they’re able to anticipate any unexpected traffic issues, and correct appropriately in a fraction of a second. Right now, that level of complexity is beyond driverless cars. They’re really just computers on wheels — incapable of predicting what other drivers will do (and sometimes even breaking basic traffic rules themselves).
There’s also a lot of work to be done before driverless cars can be used for everyday driving:
There are legal regulations to be worked out
The cars need to be able to share the road with human drivers
It will likely be quite a few years before you can use a driverless vehicle for everyday driving, but the day is coming.
It is likely that it will be several years before you can use a driverless vehicle for everyday driving. In the meantime, there are still some practical advantages to learning about this technology and seeing it demonstrated in a controlled environment. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at the address on my website.Have you tried a driverless vehicle yet? Here’s A Look At What They’re Like: a blog around the advantages of driverless vehicles.
If you haven’t tried one yet, you may be wondering what it’s like and whether it’s worth a try. The answer is yes, if for no other reason than to get a glimpse into the future of city transit.
With that in mind, here are some of the most important things you should know about how they work and what they feel like.
Driverless vehicles are safer than human-driven ones.
It seems counterintuitive, but it’s true: driverless vehicles have fewer accidents than human-driven ones do. This is because a computer isn’t subject to distracted driving or road rage. It doesn’t get sleepy at night or drive while intoxicated. And rather than having to interpret verbal or hand-signal directions from other drivers on the road, it has access to traffic lights and other digital infrastructure that makes navigation easier and more precise.
They’re not quite completely “driverless” anyway.
While these vehicles don’t have an actual person behind the wheel, there is still someone monitoring them at all times, just in case something goes wrong. In addition, they’re not
So, you’ve heard the commotion about driverless vehicles—but have you tried one yet? If you’re like us, you probably have some reservations. What if the car doesn’t know how to handle a situation? What if it’s not self-aware enough to make smart choices? What if something goes wrong?
Well, have no fear. We took a ride in one of these cars so you don’t have to, and we think you’re going to be just fine. Here’s how it went:
Prior to taking the trip, we had some worries about its ability to navigate city traffic. After all, there are a lot of variables in play when you’re driving through rush hour on the highway. But on our test run, our driverless vehicle navigated traffic with ease—it seemed like it knew exactly what was happening at all times, and anticipated every possible problem before it even came up. We were really impressed with how well it maneuvered around other cars—it wasn’t aggressive when necessary but also didn’t move too slowly or timidly. It found the exact rhythm that kept us both safe and moving as quickly as possible.
The best part was being able to check out the sights along the way without having to worry about anything
Driverless vehicles are coming, but they aren’t here yet. At least not for most of us. For those of you who have had the opportunity to try out a driverless vehicle, we want to hear about your experiences!
So what can you expect when you’re sitting in a driverless car? A lot. You can expect things that’ll make your morning commute a little easier and more comfortable. You can also expect things that’ll make your morning commute a little different than it’s been in the past.
First off, you’ll notice that there will be no steering wheel or pedals. This is because the car won’t need them, since it won’t be driven by a human being. The car will have sensors and software that will allow it to navigate its environment without any help from a human driver, so if there’s traffic on the road or if another car cuts in front of you without signaling, the car will know how to handle these situations without any intervention from you.
Also, since there’s no need for pedals or steering wheels, the interior of the vehicle will look quite different from what we’re used to seeing inside traditional cars today. Instead of having seats facing forward like they do now (with seat belts attached), there will be seating
The future is here.
Whether you’ve noticed it or not, driverless—or autonomous—vehicles are already on the road. And if they’re not zipping around your town just yet, they will be soon. Just like every other major technological advancement of recent years, these vehicles are going to be a part of our daily lives sooner than we think.
And that’s a good thing! In fact, getting into an autonomous vehicle is a much more pleasant experience than you might expect. Let’s take a look at what it’s actually like.
You’re walking down the street with your phone clenched in your hand, ready to respond to any and all incoming texts or emails. You hear a loud honk behind you, and you know it’s coming from that car on the street next to you.
You freeze. You feel your heart pounding in your ears and all sense of time escapes you as you wait for the impact.
But then, nothing happens. The car just rolls past you and drives away.
You look around. There’s no one in the car! Where is the driver? What happened??
This is an experience I’ve had so many times since I started riding in driverless vehicles—and every time it happens, it feels like I’m living in a sci-fi movie!
As driverless vehicles become more common, we’re wondering: how does the inside of one look?
When I heard that Google was working on a driverless car in 2016, I was amazed. My first thought was “How?” followed by “Where can I get one?” Now that driverless cars are here and there are more every day, I’m kind of wondering what it’s like to be in one.
So, for those of you who have been in a driverless car, what is it like?
I imagine it’s kind of like being in a plane or a train—you just sit back and relax while the car drives itself. You could even take a nap if you wanted! And because the car is self-driving, you can use your phone or read a book while you’re inside. Pretty cool, right? It sounds like fun to me!
Imagine being able to go out and enjoy yourself without having to worry about getting home safely. And you could go farther away than you’d normally go on public transportation because the car will drive itself home when you’re done! Sounds great!